

Take Control,
Heal Your Life

SND's Moderated Drinking Treatment

Do Any of These
Sound Familiar?

  • Multiple failed attempts to quit drinking
  • Overwhelmed by cravings
  • Want to improve without sacrificing your social life
  • Desire to live joyfully and authentically
  • Loved One with Alcohol Dependency
  • ここをクリックして表示したいテキストを入力してください。

We Are Here for You!

Introducing the 'SND Method'
for Moderated Drinking

No more harsh treatments that demand complete abstinence from alcohol.

  1. Instead of "abstinence," our doctors will create a personalized "moderated drinking" program just for you!
  2. Choose from online consultations, online medical treatments, or home visits by nurses and social workers, allowing you to complete your treatment at home!
  3. Full support system available for consultations at any time!
  4. Supplementary therapy with IV treatments effective for complications and more!

You can consult on behalf of a family member, partner, or someone close to you who is struggling with alcohol dependency.

※ Home visits are available only for residents in Japan.

What is Moderated Drinking Treatment?

Unlike traditional abstinence treatment, this new approach to alcohol dependency focuses on moderated drinking. It allows for stress-free treatment without the pressure of complete abstinence or severe withdrawal symptoms.

Difference Between
Moderated Drinking

Abstinence Treatment

Zero alcohol
High likelihood of
May require
Often seen as
very challenging
for patients

Moderated Drinking Treatment

Reduces alcohol

according to set goals
Reduces withdrawal
Easier to engage
in treatment

Three Key Features of
the 'SND Method' for
Moderated Drinking

  • Realistic Goal Setting: Tailored to each patient’s pace, ensuring achievable moderated drinking goals.
  • Effective IV Therapy: Specialized IV therapy developed by expert physicians supports both physical and mental recovery, effective for 85% of complications.
  • Comprehensive Support Team: A coordinated effort by doctors, nurses, counselors, and social workers provides personalized care for each patient.

Three Major Benefits
of the 'SND Method'


Support System

No. 1
Complete Treatment at Home!
Reduces the burden of commuting and offers a treatment environment that respects privacy.

  • Busy individuals or those living far away can receive online counseling and medical consultations from home.
  • Home visits by nurses are available.
  • No need to take public transportation, allowing for discreet consultations.

※ In-person counseling, consultations, and treatments are also available.
※ Home visits are limited to residents of Japan.
No. 2
Improving Physical Well-being
Regular IV therapy facilitates improvement in alcohol dependency without relying on medications.

  • Unlike traditional medication-based treatments, this approach minimizes strain on the body.
  • Effective supplementary IV therapy for 85% of complications supports effective moderated drinking.
  • By addressing the underlying causes, the risk of relapse is reduced.

※Note: While IV therapy is an effective method for treating alcohol dependency, it does not result in effects like "not wanting to drink," "being unable to drink," or "not getting drunk." The effectiveness of IV therapy varies from person to person.
No. 3
Improving Mental Well-being
You can access "mental health support" from our specialized counselors at any time.

  • Whether through chat, phone, online consultations, or face-to-face meetings, you can always reach out to our specialized counselors.
  • We don't just provide a program and leave you on your own; regular check-ins with counselors, doctors, and nurses ensure ongoing support.
  • The program is continually adjusted to fit your physical health, mental state, and lifestyle changes.

Improving not only your physical health but also your mental well-being can enhance your motivation for moderated drinking.

Clinic Introduction


Kongouji Clinic

The Kongouji Clinic specializes in cardiovascular and gastrointestinal medicine, providing high-quality healthcare with the latest medical advancements. The clinic is dedicated to personalized care, offering thorough consultations and fostering effective communication with each patient.
BRANCH Chofu 3F 
7-47-1 Jindaiji Higashi-cho Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-0012 Japan
Operation Hours
9:00-12:00 / 14:00-18:00
Saturday 9:00-13:00
Closed: Thursdays, Sundays,
and National Holidays
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Kurume Chuo Hospital

Kurume Chuo Hospital specializes in the treatment of liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer, providing optimal care tailored to each patient. The hospital is also actively engaged in advanced medical treatments, including regenerative medicine, to support patients' health and future. Committed to community-based healthcare, the hospital ensures a safe and supportive environment for patients and their families.
2-3-8 Komorino, Kurume City,
Fukuoka Prefecture
830-0001, Japan
Operation Hours
Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00/14:00-17:00
Saturday 9:00-12:00
(Closed on Sundays, public holidays,
and the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays
of the month.)
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Female, 40s, Tokyo
I have been hospitalized three times in a psychiatric hospital in Tokyo. Even after discharge, I regularly attended daycare aiming for abstinence but kept relapsing due to family stress. I came across SND's site and learned about their moderated drinking treatment. Given my liver condition, I tried the counseling without much expectation, but I was surprised to see improvements in my chronic back pain and joint pain after just 30 minutes. The counselor's advice helped me implement a manageable drinking plan, and now I enjoy my life while moderating my alcohol intake. I continue my treatment every few months, and unlike before, I can enjoy some alcohol without feeling sluggish the next morning.
Male, 60s, Tochigi
I run a construction business in a rural area. I was skeptical about this kind of treatment but decided to try it since I didn't agree with the doctor's recommendation to quit drinking for life. I received counseling and an IV treatment during a visit to Tokyo. Initially, I just felt a bit lighter, but a few days later, after drinking a bit more than usual, I felt very refreshed the next morning. I now regularly receive IV treatments as recommended by the counselor and have seen significant improvements in my health. My blood tests show no increase in gamma levels, and I feel rejuvenated.
Male, 60s, Fukuoka
I found SND's website and was intrigued by the convenience of online counseling and home treatment. The free initial counseling was a bonus. After several counseling sessions and a final medical consultation, we scheduled the IV treatment. A nurse came to my home for the treatment, supervised by a doctor, and it was done in just a few minutes. I didn't notice any immediate changes that night but was surprised to see improved blood test results after a month of moderated drinking. Although I've just started this treatment, I am very hopeful.


サンプル 太郎

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs associated with moderated drinking treatment?
The costs include initial consultation fees, medical examination fees, IV treatment fees, and counseling fees. Since this is a private practice, insurance cannot be used.
The initial consultation is free.
How is online medical consultation conducted?
Online medical consultations are conducted via video calls using ZOOM. You can use your home computer or smartphone with an internet connection.
What services are provided by home nursing care?
Home nursing care includes nurses visiting your home to provide IV treatments and other services. It is recommended for those who find it difficult to commute or prioritize privacy.
Can I consult on behalf of a relative with a dependency?
Absolutely. We welcome consultations from family members, partners, and friends of those struggling with dependency. Let's work together to find the best approach for their situation. We also accept ongoing consultations from representatives throughout the program.

Contact Us

The initial consultation is free

Please read and agree to the privacy policy below before sending.

Privacy Policy

SND Incorporated values the protection of your personal information and handles it according to the following basic policy.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information
We acquire the following information from customers through appropriate methods:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Other necessary information for service provision

2. Use of Personal Information
The acquired personal information is used for the following purposes:

  • Providing services to customers
  • Responding to inquiries
  • Distributing various information
  • Conducting surveys
  • Other purposes necessary for smooth relationship building with customers

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
We do not provide personal information to third parties without customer consent, except in the following cases:

  • As required by law
  • When necessary to protect human life, body, or property
  • When necessary to achieve the customer's use purposes, to outsourced contractors

4. Management of Personal Information
We take appropriate safety management measures to protect personal information from leakage, loss, or damage. When outsourcing the handling of personal information, we ensure the contractor adheres to our privacy protection standards.

5. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information
Customers have the following rights:

  • To confirm the accuracy of their personal information
  • To request correction of incorrect personal information
  • To request disclosure of their personal information
  • To request suspension of use of their personal information
  • To request deletion of their personal information
  • To exercise these rights, please contact us.

6. Contact for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information Protection
For inquiries regarding personal information protection, please contact:
SND Incorporated 

